
By earthdreamer

One Man and his Hole

The power went off last night and didn't come back on again until late afternoon today. It totally messed with my head.

Posting this a few days after the event, it's taken me until now to feel anything like normal again. I knew I was addicted to caffeine but it's clearly a lot worse of a problem than I'd realised. With no tea or coffee to get me going, I ended up dozing the morning away and, then, when Forrest drove us into town for a takeaway coffee (two, in my case), I think I overdosed and the headache I'd developed actually grew worse for a while. It didn't help that it rained all day and I didn't get out for any exercise. I should have done. 

The good thing is that it reminded me of how I used to feel every morning not that long ago. It's a feeling of being hungover. It was normal then to be unable to get my head into gear in the morning, regardless of how much tea or coffee I drank. My routine has become very important to me and it seems like my brain chemistry is very sensitive to any kind of change in that routine. It's quite fascinating. At least I now know what I need to do to keep everything in balance. It was terrible when I was powerless in that way.

At one point, we had six men standing around this hole, staring into it, looking very anxious. I feared they might have to call for the cavalry but it wasn't much later when everything in the flat whirred back into action. The kettle went straight on.

Note to self to ensure that I always have fuel at hand for the camping stove.

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