School Visit

A morning of games (Giraffes in Scarves), meccano and a lovely chat with Granny and Grandpa.

After lunch we planted some seeds in the garden, and went for a drive (the car was in need of a run).  

CyclopsJnr loves his school and misses it desperately, so we stopped off there so he could hang out in the playground with his remote control car for a bit.

While we were there his science teacher came past to check on the chickens, and stopped to chat for a minute or two.  CyclopsJnr was delighted with this, as science is his favourite subject.  His teacher is clearly paying attention to the projects e-mailed in as he remembered and commented positively on some of CyclopsJnr's work!

He also ran his mile for the day, before flopping to watch Disney's Aladdin

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