Zen dog

By VOC93


Love having flowers around, they can always brighten a day - especially a grey and miserable one like today!

So I awoke to the wonderfully comforting smell of my casserole this morning, it was just perfect! Maybe cooking food in the slow cooker all night is the way to get me out of bed, haha.
It tasted absolutely delicious, and I had enough to feed my friends as well, plus have 2 more portions in the fridge. In the slow cooker recipe book (The 150 healthiest slow cooker recipes on earth) I found this strange recipe for soup which I thought I might try - sweet potato and apple. I popped everything in the slow cooker and voila, lunch for 7 days! It's super yummy with warming ginger. Goodness me I love days when I can cook.

Hope everyone in blip land has had a great weekend, I am already loosing the motivation to study and have just watched the last episode of Miranda - Couldn't stop giggling :)

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