Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


This is my entry for Tiny Tuesday. The theme, which is optional, is Metal.

After an early swim in light drizzle and a cool breeze, I had a walk down the promenade. This is the view looking back up the coast towards south County Dublin. There was a mist in the distance and the colours were grey/blue/white - I wish I had the photography skills to portray how it looked. It was lovely. This person stood motionless on the rocks just staring out to sea for a long while. Close proximity to the sea gives you a feeling of renewal and peacefulness.

The image made me think that we are all just little cogs in a big wheel, trying to get by as best we can.

So as cogs are made from metal, this hopefully falls into the theme for today. (This is stretching it a bit, I know. But let’s just call it ‘being creative’)

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