Kevin's take on life

By KevinV

too many choices.

Today I spent more time down at the park as the winds had died down and did not feel as cold as yesterday. I met several people feeding the birds in the park today. One lady had never had the chickadee land on her hand and seemed a bit scared but was very happy when the bird land on her hand.

I liked this shot as the chickadee was given choices by and other man wanting the cardinal to land. It looked kinda fun as he had to choose which peanut , the middle one was the winner.

Today marks my 400th blip, I am very surprised that I have come this far and that I have now found a new hobby. I now look at everything a little different or a least I stop and pay attention to the smaller things around. It has also gives me more of a reason to get out and enjoy and get some exercise

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