A Majestic White

I got up this morning, and was going to the Baptist church. I got there at 8:57 a.m. Trouble was...it had started at 8. Instead...I went to a church named Bayside.

They call themselves a next generation church. What that means is...loud music (4 guitars, drums, and a keyboard), the song leaders jumping up and down, the minister on a big screen (he's not even there), and a "come as you are" feeling (I could have worn shorts). The best thing? Krispy Kreme donuts before the service with coffee and lemonade. They had a suggestion box. I wrote..."Would it kill you to have some milk? I don't like coffee." A nice service...although very different for me.

I thought I had my shot of the day shortly after church. I went to another church where they always have an osprey nest on their steeple. But...it was so far off when I looked at it on the computer. See for yourself on my Flickr Page...along with 15 other shots. I waited 25 minutes for the osprey's mate to return...perhaps with a fish in beak. My prayers were not answered. He/she never moved.

A beautiful day. 68F and sunny with no breeze. People were out, and busy. I never get tired of seeing and snapping pelicans. I like how his/her beak has seperated in the reflection.

Watching the end of the Super Bowl. It's kind of nice watching when you really don't care who wins. Beyonce was strutting at halftime, and I just saw the new Budweiser Clydesdale commercial. What a beautiful horse.

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