Miniature Rose

A couple of years ago my granddaughter bought me a red miniature rose in a pot, as you will no doubt know they tend to stick a few cuttings in pots and they seem to be all one rose, when they have finished flowering I take them out of the pot and pot them on individually  some do take and others die off, from the one she gave me I got 2 red ones and this lovely pink one, it's so delicate. It's the first time it's flowered.

Well what a hot one it was today, I had to do my 2 week shop and it was baking hot. Lidl's was quite cool but Morrisons was warm and stuffy. I got some nice fish for tea though which was a bonus as we haven't had any during lock down except from the chippy, own cooked is always best.

Looks like we are in for a hot week all round, ah well a good excuse not to do anything.

I took Molly for a walk round the streets today and she sniffed her way round. then we met her friend Charley ( who is a West Highland White Terrier) she hasn't seen him since lock down started and she was overjoyed, which shows they are feeling it too and missing contact with people and other dogs.

I hear Boris has said 1 meter apart is OK now but 2 is better, well most folk won't take any notice they haven't for some time.

Stay safe everyone.

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