
By TBay

On the windowsill.

I can remember doing this on the old farm windowsills. I used to pretend it was a stage!  Show me a stage at this age and I was on it! These two were just seeing who was the tallest! Expression on Harrys face says it all. A favourite game is climbing out of the window into the garden. Keeps them amused for hours.

A very warm day today. Mrs Tbay busy with more property maintenance and a bit a mowing thrown in. After copious quantities of water the grass is once more growing and the garden has greened up very quickly.

Farming - Two on compost hauling and Mr Tbay Jnr was out mowing. Lots of people now wanting to get their hay done.

We are now in week 13 of lockdown and will be until 1st August . Upside is I am enjoying my vegetable production this year. How I will return to my previous rather manic life I’m not too sure! 

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