White Nose

It was CyclopsJnr's last taught day "at" school today.  He did reading, writing, maths, social studies, art and phonics work set by his teachers with a mix of videos, home printed worksheets and online tools.  He had a last Teams call with his teacher and some of his friends too.  The school really has done very well under the circumstances.

Tomorrow they have a brief year end assembly, then it's the summer holidays.  Hopefully he'll back to actually going to school in the Autumn.

Today CyclopsJnr biked 5km, ran 1 mile, made pizza and sniffled his way through the day with hay fever.  We think we've found medicine to help with that, but his poor nose is red from being blow so we put cream on to help heal it.  He wasn't for having a photo with the cream showing!

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