Windmill 'De Korenbloem', Ulvenhout

'Korenbloem' = 'Cornflower'.  It was difficult to get an acceptable frontal shot from where it was facing -- either go to another street and include the house, or from the front but very much up-close.  See extras.

Busy with housecleaning, most especially with my little corner.  I started with sorting out the CDs that couldn't be sort out in one go, and I am glad that that is finally done, with lots of rearranging and transferring, plus all the dusting that goes with that.  One by one, getting there.  Also organized a lot of digital stuff, both online and offline, things I'd been putting off and now finding time for.

In the very late afternoon, AW left for Eindhoven, for some time there again, and is staying the night.  The breathing space is good for us both, but I should remember that he's not here to cook, that sunset is at about 23.00, and that getting hungry is not good for anything.  Ate something on the other side of midnight.  It was a lovely day and tomorrow will be another, if it were up to me.

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