From Flying to Rushing

It's me on this photo. That's quite unusual...
The plan was to post on of the results of my drone flights over the Menkemaborg in rural Uithuizen, but those plans have changed drastically.

Instead I uploaded a photo of me, made by Dick Stoppels, who came to visit us (me and Peter) when he heard we were flying nearby. Thanks Dick for the great photos!

Another reason why I haven't posted an aerial photo is that I haven't had the time to process them and doubt if I soon will.

The thing is I got a phonecall on Thursday the 26th 14.40 while I was at work, and that was not a nice call.
A neighbour of my parents called, telling me he was in Emmen in the hospital (first aid department) with my parents because my mother suddenly had severe stomach problems. While he was calling me, I shut down my office and went straight in the car. I picked up my sister and before 16.00 hours we were in the hospital as well.

But since that all happened on the 26th (tomorrow) I guess, I'll continue on tomorrows blip...

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