Keeping my distance.

We went to Aldi this morning and there wasn't a queue, so I went in first with a basket ( I know I shouldn't)  and J followed behind with a trolley. We kept our distance and had our masks on. A lady then came up the aisle the wrong way, saying sorry, sorry, with no mask on . She was a general nuisance in every aisle I went, and by the time I got to the till I was really annoyed. I was glad to get outside and made my way to our car to wait for J. Blow me, who was in the car next to ours with her rear door wide open touching ours. I went up to her car, shut the door, and saw a nasty mark on our car.  I said, excuse me but you have just marked our door, she replied, no I haven't, I said you can see a white dent mark, and she said well it's not me as my car is silver.  I thought the best thing to do was take a photo of the dent and her registration  number in the hope J would be along very soon. I stepped to the back of the car, looked at the registration number and realized it wasn't our car, which was safely parked next door.As soon as I realized my mistake, I walked away and waited for J to appear. As soon as he saw me he said, what are you doing, our car is parked over there. I said quick, open the door jumped in and hid until she had gone, although she must have been guilty because she didn't hang around for long. I can laugh about it now, but it wasn't funny at the time. J said I'm not safe to be out:-)

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