Lockdown - Day 97

Even hotter today at 31 degrees. Too hot for me, but the Australian Bottlebrush shrub in the garden is loving this heat and sunshine. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it with so many flowers before, which is why I’ve added some extra pics in extras, as a record of this bumper crop.

Apart from reading and wilting in the shade, and sorting and passing on this week’s supermarket delivery, I attended the funeral of a family friend, streamed online; the fifth bereavement and funeral we’ve been unable to attend during Lockdown.

With it still being 29 degrees this evening, I’ve decided it’s too hot to go to the theatre to watch A Midsummer Night’s Dream, I think I’d probably fall asleep! So instead I’m off to the cinema to see Chesil Beach.

Take care, stay safe and well...

(Thank you for your recent kind comments, stars and hearts. Sorry for getting behind with replies again, there just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day at the mo...)

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