Cranesbill - Hardy Geranium

17°C  -  8 mph ENE Wind Speed  -  11 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy.  Spent an hour cutting the grass this morning  -  exhausted  -  cut the rest tomorrow.  I blipped my first Cranesbill bloom on June 17  -  see my extra  - and now it has flourished.  I blipped my first one with a black board behind it, but I thought a white board would show off the whole plant better.  I think it does, but I wasn't prepared for the slight shadow of the plant that a white board creates. It's the only Cranesbill that has grown this year  -  it is self seeded and growing out of a crack in the patio slabs. Lucky that I didn't treat it like a weed earlier on the year☺

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