
By ferryoons

The Ferryman's Daughter

This is from the archive, and prices have gone up a lot since I took the photo. We used to live on a sea loch where there had once been a ferry a bit like this. The tidal flow there is fierce and I always wondered how on earth you could row a ferry across that.

I was being really unimaginative. You don't row straight across. You row against the tide (which means you more or less stay where you are) except you steer gently out into the current until you get taken to the other bank.

The Walberswick - Southwold  ferry website tells us that Dani is the fifth generation of her family to run the ferry. I suggest you take a look at it.

If you find yourself in Suffolk you might enjoy a visit, but I don't recommend high season. Too many people for my taste.

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