
By Teba


Here we go again.
I've different tools to help me speech.
I had a diary on my old mobile, created by my mom to have the possibility to narrate about my adventures. I've also a speech app with basics expressions. Both made a lot of problems, so I changed to the iPad a year ago, with the adaption of a new speech app (metatalk) and a new diary.
Now I've gotten a new mobile and I should have a basic speech app on it. Metatalk doesn't work on mobiles :-(
So we wanted to reactivate the old app. BUT we can't load the speech app, only the diary. So we have to delete the diary to have a chance.
We could save parts of the diary on my mams mobile, but only the words, which makes it difficult to transfer it to the new diary on the iPad.
That why we went through my old diary and photographed every day to find it back. My blip shows photos from this event, a year ago.
A lot of fun work ahead ;-)

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