Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Two arrivals

It's a windy morning. Very windy, actually. Rainy too, on and off.

But I had to brave the elements to capture the dramatic emergence of rather nice flowers on one of my plants. It would be a nice bonus if I knew the name of the plant, but I don't (its stick-in-the-ground reminder is long since erased by the elements). A different bonus was the arrival of a visitor in the form of a bee, just as I was lining up the shot. One arrival landing on another, really.

Later Extra. Despite the depressing weather (or maybe because if it?) I felt the need for a change of scenery, so drove out to Sutton and Howth. Took the Sutton coast road and climbed up where the posh people live, then back down to the harbour and up the 'cliff' road to the car park where I got as far as rolling down the window for some fresh air.

Cobwebs successfully blown away, back home I went. Time for coffee and sandwiches and what then? Grab the remote for the Apple TV and swipe through to '1917' on my watch-now list. What a wonderful film. The one-take tracking shots are extraordinarily well done, but the superb technical achievement never gets in the way of the inspirational story, which is totally involving. Add to that superb acting performances, especially by George MacKay as Lance Corporal Schofield, and you're left with the most wonderful cinematic experience I've had in a very long time.

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