battleship hill

a slow morning with the promise of thunderstorms in the afternoon, a bus ride through the city to jiangminshan and a wander up to the best shaved ice place that i've found in taipei, smoked plum topping fuelling the feet for a wander up another hill.

later, upon descent, the night market around shillin kicking into life, standing by a stall eathing eggroll as the streets and alleys fill up with folk taking advantage of a slight cooling in the weather, very slight, the thunderstorms appearing in the distance, dark clouds and flashing forks upon the higher summits, our route dry and humid.... but it feels as if something's got to give, the humidity raising a sweat jut for the effort of breathing...

battleship hill has a sandstone beautifully lined and worn summit which, from beneath, on the mosquito and bitey insect laden path to the next temple looks as if it could be a ships prow. ..

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