Mono Monday - Redscale

This is a big log at the park which is used for seating. It has lost its bark and the wood underneath is patterned with insect trails making it look almost like artwork.

I played around in the different channels in Curves in Snapseed to achieve this redscale effect. Not sure if its technically correct but i did like the effect! ;o)

The big storm last night kept us awake most of the night ugh!!  Something was banging on the roof in the strong wind and it drove me crazy!!!  Toto wore his Thunder Shirt all night because even though there wasn't any thunder the wind scared him and the Thunder Shirt settled him down and he was snoring in no time at all ;o)

Thanks to Laurie54 for hosting Mono Monday this month, they were great challenges and I had a lot of fun ;o)xxx

I’ll have to catch up with you all tomorrow night as its only 8.30pm and I’m falling asleep already! NIghty Night dear Blippers xxx

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