Gospel according to Lel

By lelpix

Happy birthday Sara

Went to the animal sanctuary in south Bucks today to help sanctuary owner Sara celebrate her birthday. I am on the committee and do their website updates and some promotional stuff for them.

Was sat to a lovely chap called Peter who kept trying to sing me an old song that i remember my mum playing when I was in my yoof! He kept forgetting the words but insisted on starting it over again.

I was chatting to my friend and mentioned that he seemed obsessed with the song where do you go to my lovely she replied, hardly surprising as he wrote and recorded it. Apparently I had been screaming singing along with Peter Sarstadt who had a no 1 hit in the UK and Europe with said song. He now suffers from Alzheimer's and cannot remember the words to his own song. That made me a little sad, but he was such a nice guy and a pleasure to speak with him. He is a big supporter of the sanctuary. :-) xx

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