Mrs. Rubythroat

A rainy day hummingbird taken through the window this afternoon. I haven't seen her handsome husband at all today. It's been oppressively humid and disagreeable today, but some good rain for the garden.

I was out on a rare, safe errand and missed the call from Merry's vet with the results of the biopsies. As I expected, nothing really conclusive or specific. I've just felt terribly anxious about it all afternoon. Her vet left the clinic shortly after the call, so she asked me to call another time this week. I will before I try to get her tomorrow. Merry has her stitches out on Thursday morning, but I can't go in with the new pandemic protocol. So we will chat about some options. The biopsy report was fairly inconclusive, no fleas, she's on a hypoallergenic diet of rabbit, so it's something environmental. Probably dust mites, impossible to eradicate. Anyway there is a new treatment option, I have a lot to discuss with the vet. I'm terribly anxious of course.

For the Record, 
This day came in with high humidity and the most uncomfortable air. It did rain finally, so the garden is happy.

All hands wary

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