Tiny Eyes

It seems to have been a busy day, which is surprising as I'm supposed to be in lockdown, self-isolation and shielding.  Still that doesn't prevent the emails and telephone calls, some people believe I can sort computer issues without actually seeing the machine, difficult when the person asking is almost completely non-technical when it comes to computers.

Then there's the issue of the web site with the donation button that takes you all the way through, including Gift Aid, only to fail at the final click of the button with an error message.

Ann has been much more productive, re-varnishing the fence panels at the bottom of the garden, she's done a great job.

The theme for today's Tiny Tuesday hosted by trisharooni is Eye.  I did manage to get out into the garden for a short while with the macro lens whilst the bees and flies were on the flowers.  I think this picture is the bee's knees when it comes to showing the bee's eyes!

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