Going Bananas

I spent a wonderful, relaxing morning at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens here in Gainesville. This photo show a 'hand' of very young bananas. C kept the dogs happy/busy at home so I had nothing to do but walk around these beautiful gardens with my hat, water bottle, mask and camera. The mask only needed to be worn while I was inside the Welcoming Center. When I met the very occasional visitor (s) on the pathways, I just stepped off to the side and let them safely pass. I enjoyed the final day of my birthday month very much. :)

In the *extra...A Florida Cooter. The Gardens border Lake Kanapaha, a large and shallow natural body of water. Many turtles find their way to the Gardens to lay their eggs. They have explicit 'right of way' and no one is to bother them in any manner. They may dig their nest holes anywhere they choose. This 'mom to be' was preparing to deposit her eggs right next to a walkway. I snapped her portrait and then quietly moved on. 

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