That's where the light gets in

Another lovely summer day. Marie, a friend we used to work with, came to visit and we sat outside in the warm sun, eating bread and cheese, scones, and chocolate bread, drinking home-made cordial, wine and tea. The breeze blew past and mostly kept the biting insects and excess heat at bay. The conversation flowed, sometimes serious, sometimes less so, about family, mutual friends, and of course the current troubles. Days, meals, like this are long remembered.
As that part of the day came to an end we headed into town to help do a deep clean of the Left Party office. It was also fun and satisfying. My speciality, cleaning windows, is so much more satisfactory when they are really dirty as you start!
As we headed home the sky was putting on a really spectacular display of clouds and contrast for us. I stopped the car and we took some pictures. I know HarlingDarling has blipped a wider view of the sky so I'll take this detail. It's literally a crack in the clouds where the light gets in so it made me think of Leonard Cohen's song "Anthem", from his 1992 album "The Future".  Though it was written 28 years ago it really does seem to be a song for our times.
As we arrived home the (much needed) rain had started, but now, 3 hours later the clouds are breaking up, once more letting in the light in spectacular style. HarlingDarling said, as I was writing this, "Strange light - it's real end-of-the-world light!" She's right, but hopefully we'll still be here tomorrow.
The light grew even more spectacular with golden glows across the sky, and even a rainbow. Cameras were grabbed again and now my planned blip has become an extra, while this late evening picture, taken as I was actually writing all this, gets the place of honour.

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