Spoor of the Bookworm

By Bookworm1962

You evil bugger!

Poor old Jake, I think he's fed up with this dressing up game. After his operation the other day I had to put him in a plastic head cone as he decided it would be fun to undo his stitches. ( An alternative title for the previous picture is "Jake the Baptist"). This worked ok for about an hour as Jake was clearly under the impression this was a new kind of fun, the idea clearly being either to escape, Houdini like from it or to use it as a very effective combination of battering ram and "stuff" scoop and see how much mayhem he could cause. Eventually, however, the novelty wore out and it dawned on him that I wasn't showing any sign of patting him on the head and taking the damn thing off (the cone that is - not his head), he then started to get quite distressed about it and seriously try to get it off. Clearly this arrangement was not working. While commenting on Jake's picture Kendall drew my attention to a different kind of collar as modelled by the handsome Harvey. This seemed like a jolly good idea - so I improvised. Two scarves, a hoody and a fair bit of trial and error later produced this dapper, fashionista outfit that not only stops him getting at his elbow but is also distinctly tres chic. The this is fun! period lasted a good deal longer than his conical escapologist career, after all dressing up is one of his favourite things (vain little poseur that he is) however, as you can see, enough is obviously enough. Poor wee guy, if ever a look said "Why are you doing this to me?".....I'll have to think of some way to make it up to him, fortunately he's easily bribed.

I took quite a few pictures today and had some trouble deciding which to post. I've been trying to do some street photography. I really like taking shots of people who are unaware of the camera but I am uncomfortable with the possibility of negative reactions when they spot me. Silly I know. I think it's got a lot to do with my lack of human contact over the last few years, it never used to be a problem. Anyway I decided to push myself and take some. They aren't great but I had some fun with an unofficial smokers corner , obscured by trees - another of my "hidden and forgotten" spaces.

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