Farm made sausages

Nothing much to report today. Wandered up to the garden centre for some odds and ends, was quite restrained, even if I do say so myself!
Home via the farm shop. Wanted to get some of their home made sausages called "Clive’s Specials". Whilst I was there had a lovely chat with the owners about last weekends community market. How they had been assured suppliers to M&S, but the prices just kept being driven down, so they’ve now put their time and energy into supplying the local community from a purpose built farm shop.
So I’ve blipped their goats more than once, and only had my phone with me, so this is one of their bits of art that adorn the shop. They’ve made a real effort getting the place to look less farm yard, and it’s no problem to wait in line outside if you need to.
Have a good weekend everyone.

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