Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Titlest

Holding the current Gold Medal Title for Olympic Grass Balancing, Horace Halloween Pennant is displaying his championship form.  He is laser-focused and refused to let even a long Nikon lens distract him or alter his perfect stance.  Clearly, he is ready for the AOG's* which are scheduled to kick off in less than one month.

I was up early and after breakfast, headed out wander some fields before it got too hot.  I had an enjoyable couple of hours under light cloud cover which just barely kept the temperature bearable.  I found many interesting sights - dragons galore, lots of bees, and even two difference genus of robber fly!  I have posted 3 other pics on Flickr, starting HERE

Tomorrow is our country's Independence Day.  I have been thinking lately about how unfair this holiday must feel if you are a person of color.  Because certainly the black community did not become independent on that day; instead, they continued to live lives as someone else's property.  It is something I can barely get my head around.  

I am going to update our state's Covid stats here, along with our neighbor, New York.  The death toll between our two states is a shocking 47,353.  Take a moment to think about that.  I wonder how this number might have changed if we knew then what we know now, if people had worn masks, if we'd had the proper supplies of PPE?
New Jersey Cumulative Cases to date  - 172,742
New York Cumulative Cases to date - 420,448
New Jersey Deaths to date - 15,164
New York Deaths to date - 32,448

Please stay safe!  And be kind and loving.


*AOG - Alternative Olympic Games, scheduled for 1-10 August 2020, open to contestants from anywhere in the world.  Most contenders will be wild creatures, from insects to mammals to reptiles. The individual events are limited only by your imagination - the goal here is to just have fun!

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