Great fun

I know many families are now getting together  properly, but it will be a while before we can do the same, so this is once again a snapshot of our Sunday quiz session. 

Clockwise from top left

Maisie did a great job asking the questions this week. She is enjoying her last few weeks at primary school, where they are trying to make things as memorable for them as they can in the circumstances. 

Ella is always the first to appear, always ready and eager to get started. She managed a flower in her hair, as requested by the organising team.

And here she is showing her Mum's mis-order. As she only uses a teaspoon in her bread mix, this is going to last a long time. It might come in useful during the winter.

And here are the youngest and oldest laughing as they try to deny that they used the world map that is on the wall in front of them in answering a countries question.

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