Park Life 5: Rivelin Valley

I feel a bit of a cheat blipping Rivelin Valley as it's my local patch but it is on the list of 93 that I'm working through. My original plans were thwarted by snow - it snowed heavily overnight, and has been snowing on and off all day. I'd arranged to go out to Derbyshire with a friend, but even if we'd managed to get cars out, we couldn't be sure of getting back, so a walk down the valley was the usual alternative. I was pleased to see 2 dippers - my first of the year which is surprising as they are usually quite visible down there. I got in a few shots but they were fairly mediocre and as my theme for February is Month of the Duck, I decided to go with these 3 escaped Indian Runner ducks, which I blipped on the ice here a couple of weeks ago. You may notice they are in the same order. Quacking order, I imagine.

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