
I had taken this photo just before my day deteriated dramatically. 
I had woken to feeling sick and a sore stomach. This is very unusual for me, I'm not a sicky sort of person. I stayed in bed longer than normal and got a bit better so got up and even went to the supermarket. 
At dinner time I was preparing a veggie dish when I suddenly felt sick. To cut a long story short within an hour an ambulance had been called for me.
Turns out I had Kidney Stones. 
I've had 2 children but I can honesty say the pain was far greater than giving birth to them. 
I am home but very delicate and taking plenty painkillers. What a terrifying experience for my son. I want to thank my very good friend LK for phoning the ambulance and trying to keep me calm.
Just as well I managed to take this blip before it all started. 

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