CV measures #108

Round-leaved fluellen
I couldn't resist a return trip to the field in Cowfold to take a closer look at te arable weeds growing there, and I was not disappointed as not only did I find Sharp- leaved fluellen but also Round-leaved fluellen, a plant I have never seen before!
Round-leaved fluellen Kickxia spuria  is similar to Shap-leaved fluellen but as the name suggests the leaves are rounded (the former has arrow head shaped leaves), and it is a more robust hairy plant. The small pretty, spurred flowers are similar, but the upper petals that form the hood are more brown/maroon in this species as apposed to purple (I will post a flower of the Sharp-leaved fluellen in my extras) the lip is yellow in both species. I also found a rather lovely Picture-wing fly Myopites inulaedyssentericae, which lives on fleabane and causes galls in the stems (picture in extras)
All in all a great day.

Grateful today for finding new species!  

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