Bike - Before and After

Story starts with Julia saying she is going to get a trailer for the twins and a bike to tow them around rather than driving all the time.
Seems like a great idea and Johanna said she has her old bike. Her mother in Law, who lives next door to her and Luke, was going to use it but it's been stuck in a shed for a year or two.
Johanna brought it down on Sunday so Julia could take it out but seeing the flat rear tires (not obvious above but both were very soft), hanging off chain, rear brake not working at all, rusty bright metal bits, and generally looking very dilapidated, she decided she'd buy a new one.
I had a look at it yesterday evening, oiled lots of bits and asked Vic (BrackenOE) for some advice as he is a keen Biker.
After posting on his facebook page we reverted to Messenger due to the high amount of other people coming up with suggestions, some of them very good though I have to say. Considering the safety angle with the twins and Julia Vic advised a new cable. 
I got one this morning, what a fiddly job but I got there in the end (cutting a very long story short there).
Both tyres were very soft so blew them up so they were very hard and the rear one soon went down. I blew it up again and discovered it is the valve. Took the tube out, off to Halfords again and a new tube fixed that problem.
Gears were not working very well but after more advice from Vic I turned the bike upside down, sprayed WD40 down the sheath where the cable runs. Last night I had also soaked the working bits with my old motorbike Chain Lube. That sorted the gears out.
There followed the tidy up, Autosol metal polish and wire wool for the rusty chrome and bright metal, a scrubbing brush and hot soapy water for the muddy tyres, car polish for the rest of the frame, handlebars and wheels. 
Another test ride (see extra + 'after shot' and some before and after shiny bits) and everything seems to be working, and it stops when you pull the brake levers.
Not a bad days work, and it was pretty much all day but I'm very pleased with the result.

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