Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Monster of The Creek!

Actually found out today where the Monster of the Creek resides before begining his journey through the labyrinth of our waterways!

He first silently snakes his way along the streets of the city gorging on unsuspecting tourists until his belly is full....then surreptitiously weaves his way through the dusty dirt tracks at the mouth of the harbour, turning and twisting to their tune until he reaches the farthest banks of the creek. Here he negotiates an iron barrier, then plunges at full speed into the watery wastes as the screams from his unsuspecting 'food store' echo across the watery wastes.

No help at hand for them as this amphibious land animal slinks his way down the winding waterway....ignored and shunned by the traditional abras and dhows for his ostentatious show of tomfoolery and complete disregard for 'water craft dress code!'

So incongruous is he to the normal flow of traditional craft that ply these channels....and so unashamed is he in the way he bombastically 'takes over' the little waves whipping them into huge crashing breakers!!!!

So mindless is he, of the smaller craft going about their daily routines, which he ofttimes swamps in his endeavour to get to his ultimate destination. His search is relentless, for an unsuspecting ramp some way upriver, where he will heave his way out of the water and begin his unabashed journey for food and for frolic, all over again!

No wonder he's referred to as the Monster of the Creek!!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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