Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk


Went in to town today to get a paper from one of the municipality offices and was stopped at the railway tracks by the barrier that keeps us of the track when train is arriving (or going, for that matter). I took i quick photo of it just in case I didn't find something else to blip. :)
When I stood in line at the municipality office reception I was called 'lady' by the woman in the reception and that suddenly made me feel a bit older then I am... Second time this week now, so is that a sign that I'm not a broad, babe or gal anymore??
While I was getting help from the woman in the reception a young man was getting more and more agitated, because he had borrowed a computer in the reception area to print something, and those prints were in the printer behind the glass in the reception. He wanted them right a way and the woman kept telling him to get a number and get in line to wait for his turn. He thought she was being unkind (not the word he used though) because he had an appointment and was already late. If I'd been as brave as LadyM, I would've told him that he could have been here a bit earlier and he wouldn't have had this problem. But, I was at the wrong side of the glass and the receptionist seemed to be used to this... I left with a thanks to her and went on my way...
So this photo is both for not getting run over by a train and not waiting for ones turn. ;)

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