
A bit more unlocked.
Spent a few pounds this morning on two different gadgets which we could couple together to download my photos. The range on offer in the local shop was fairly limited. iPad doesn’t like this non Apple combo. Strangely it works through LooseCanon’s computer. Up to a point. But only four photos appeared. The rest had disappeared. I put the card back in my camera to see if they were still there. The dreaded words “No image” appeared.
So then he downloaded an app to retrieve the photos. It would have cost £42, not really worth it but I would have liked to see how my milky water long exposures of Aira Force falls had worked. Never mind I’ll just use my phone this week I think! He did manage to get the first few of my photos which were of some white horses in fields near the top of the waterfalls.
Have added as an extra the view on the phone which I took as a long exposure milky water type shot.

I like this pony and its lovely Lockdown hairdo.  A right mess, just like mine. I like the way its fringe is full of bits of vegetation. Mine hasn’t actually got twigs growing in it. Yet.

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