The Butterfly Bush

The buddleia bush is absolutely blooming at the moment and the smell is amazing.  As usual it's attracting lots of butterflies and bees, and today I've seen Red Admirals, Tortoiseshell and a Painted Lady, so I spent my lunch break photographing them.  

We also had our very own air show over the field - he's a regular who flies from Shoreham Airport and he does loops and rolls which is always very entertaining, but a bit distracting when you're supposed to be working lol!

Work was busy, so my day passed quickly and that's our working week over as we're off to Norfolk tomorrow, I can't tell you how excited I am just to be getting away for a few days!  So after work, we nipped to Sainsbury's as I'm taking all the food with us - we'll have picnics for lunch and we're not planning on eating out, although we may get a takeaway.  But we've rented a lovely cottage, so we'll just chill out there are night.

Anyway, the car is mostly packed so there's not much to do in the morning - the boys are staying with the doggy sitter, and I think she's really looking forward to having them as she hasn't done any grooming or pet sitting until a few weeks ago when she could start up again.

I received a message  this morning to tell me that one of my photos was in the local paper, so Alan picked me a copy up at lunch time, and I'm thrilled as it's been used to promote Peter James' latest novel 'Find them Dead'.  See my extras.

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