
By SmileyCharlie


The other day I proudly announced that I'd sewn those funky face masks on the sewing machine. Our two German housemates grunted a brief bit of appreciation and then returned to their tasks. Reflecting on it later, Rory and I realised that they possibly didn't find my DIY youtube mask very impressive. Theo (pictured) recently built his own surfboard and a table to fit our balcony. He also fitted a new motor to our broken washing machine on the weekend, explaining the complex rotating mechanism with copper wire, weights, magnets and so on. Toni built her own bed. Luis has 3D printed a prosthetic knee. So yep. 

GWOTD: Bauer = this literally means "farmer", but is used in Austrian german to refer to someone who has a world view that was relevant 100yrs ago. This was used in a conversation to describe Trump.

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