Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Completely opposite

I was still feeling pretty sick, headachey, sweaty etc today so took it easy - mustered all my energy for an important sales call late morning and then went back to bed.

On further research all my symptoms (nausea, sweats, headache) are spot on for mild toxicity from touching the wolfsbane plant. I held off calling NHS24 as last time I accidentally drank a highly toxic substance (olbas oil instead of my sleep tincture in the middle of the night) there was one hell of a fuss made and they wanted to send an ambulance to take me into hospital (I felt fine and got there under my own steam) and I had lots of tests/rigged up to machines etc before reluctantly letting me go home a few hours later - I’d felt fine the whole time except for a slight burny sensation/nasty repeating aftertaste.

These buds will become borage flowers which are also very pretty, a not dissimilar colour (although a very different shape) and completely edible.

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