a little reminder

Ever since my daughter and her family left, hubby and I have been catching up on our rest. But hubby is not making much progress, he is still completely drained. So I called hubby's specialist to ask if this is typical Huntingtons Disease progression or something else. He suggested we go to our local doc for a check up. It's been a long day, with no definite conclusion, but some medication to help with the symptoms. Time will tell.

Needless to say, I came home feeling drained as well. But when I took Laney out for her walk, I got a little reminder from God in the form of this butterfly. Butterflies always make me think of transformation, or better yet, the complete re-creation called metamorphosis. I am reminded that these hard days are changing me from the inside out and bringing me closer to God's final design. All is well with my soul.

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