Teasel Burst

I was experimenting with different effects on this group of teasel heads. In the end I thought no, I like it as it is even though it's probably not abstract enough for today's challenge hosted by Ingeborg. The theme  was 'unexpected abstracts - on the floor or anywhere else.' Dare I say it has the look of a virus about it?

We saw loads of wild flowers on our walk in the open access chalk downlands this morning. Not the easiest of paths as its on a steep angle which is uncomfortable to walk on. Vipers Bugloss, Ragwort, Pyramidal Orchids, Lady's Bed Straw and many others made the effort worth while.

I pottered off to the allotment while Susan pottered in the garden, quite literally, she was washing pots when I got back. I planted out the last of the brassicas, a few runner beans that I'd sown from very old seed, leeks and those peas I'd grown from a box of Whitworth's Dried Marrow Fat Peas! Harvested some courgettes, beetroot, spring onion and French and runner beans and finally sat and picked another tub of black currants. Still loads to do

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday

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