Further my skills

By H0tamer


On a hike from Mettenheim to Oppenheim with my son M. we came through Alsheim and Guntersblum. Alsheim had a church with one, Guntersblum a church with two "Heidentürme", aka known as "Sarazenentürme". In English that would be pagan towers or saracen towers.

My blip shows the two towers of the St. Viktor church (evangelical) in Guntersblum.
Germany seems to have five churches with these towers, four in the area where we walked (Worms, Alsheim, Guntersblum and Dittelsheim-Heßloch). They are quite untypical for Germany, more from the orient. They seem to be inspired by the people returning from the first crusades.

Pictures of a similar church tower in Dittesheim can be found here. I could not find any documentation in English.

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