The Victorian Project

Megan has finally finished her project. As always we say we are going to "get stuck in early" and then end up chasing our tail at the very last minute. After a lot of huffing and puffing (on Megan's part I promise) we have finally finished it off. I know more about John Logie Baird now than I did as a child at school. I did have a "wee dilemma" about using him as his working career was the early 20th century but he was born in the Victorian era so hopefully it will be ok.

Took my poorly iPad into the Apple store in Glasgow this morning as the touch screen wasn't working. I was with the Apple man for approximately 1 minute and the issue was just needed resetting!!! Doh, I used to think I was quite good with IT/computer/gadget stuff but so far this year my computer died on me and now this!!! Not good.

Katie was at Molly's house after school today. She had a great time.

Johnny had football this evening, so off me and the girls trotted to take him there only to discover it wasn't on at MCHS.......DAddy gets the messages about the training and games. When I got home Daddy had just picked up the message on his phone saying that the venue was different!!!! was too late then to take him so he missed out tonight!

Off to Costco in the morning......need to stock up on my supplies!!

See you all later

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