
By MumOf4Wildlings

Family day

Today Mr R had a holiday day from work. We all got to go to mabie farm park together with parents inclusion network . ( PIN) . I have spoke about this group many times and how it benefits all the family of children with additional need's. They normally have activities booked throughout the summer, but obviously this year is different. Well mabie is all outside, and families got to play on grass sledge's, swing on ropes, bounce on the trampolines and other things. They got to play in the hay barn. This is always a favourite of my wildlings. We had ice cream, and just a generally great day together. And it felt good to see people that I haven't seen in four months. We're all in the same boat and it's important to have friends that don't just understand but they know what everyday life is like because they go through it too.

There was one really stupid part of the day that could of resulted in a child being really badly hurt , or myself getting thrown off something and potentially being really badly hurt. And that was down to a parent not being responsible.

But overall it's has been great. I enjoy spending the day together and I'm grateful that it could happen. As it's normally me and the wildlings most day's from morning until their bedtime. So I make the most of these rare times together.

Happy Friday my blip friends. X

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