
By Mindseye

All the B's

Backlit Bonarensis & Bokeh for Flower Friday.

Woke up to the set alarm as my plans for yesterday were shifted to today.......despite a brief visit from middle son and granddaughter Olivia. By the time they arrived I wasnt quite ready to leave..... I could hear Olivia telling Grandad that she knew Grandma wasnt going to be here today......I think she was happy to see me <3 I spent 15 minutes with her upstairs, getting some toys out, whilst cleaning my teeth, she was jumping on our bed....she was intrigued and wanted to know how the wardobe doors worked as there are no handles!! We have mirrored sliding doors ;-)

Once we were back downstairs I said my goodbyes and set off to meet up with sis via the new hair salon I am booked in at......I ended up with time to spare, so took myself off to a Costa Drive Thru, first for months, boy did I enjoy it :-)) Got to sis's just as she was finishing off the major task of separating and freezing Kobis meat delivery!!

Whilst sis was upstairs getting herself ready, Kobi clambered up on my lap with his front paws and proceeded to give my ears his usual
treatment....he wasnt enamoured with my droplet earrings, they were getting in his way lol!!

We headed to M&S for,a few things we needed, not too long a queue, bought ourselves a prawn salad each for our lunch, which we ate in the car.....their cafe was open but we decided not to go there just yet.

Then it was a quick drive to the Salon so I could get my colour test done pre my appointment on 28th......mask donned I had the patch test, a quick chat with my new stylist about the look I want to achieve, then we were on our way again....back to Sainsburys for the rest of our groceries.

Dropped sis back to hers, we had a quick brew and our first proper hug since early March, before I headed for home around 3.20pm. The traffic volume is definitely increasing, much busier en route home.....but still not bad, home by 4.15.

The pain in my rear is still there.....no change, eases after I've taken painkillers.....so think it might take a little while :-/ despite my soak in the bath last night and subsequent deep heat cream!

A coffee in the summerhouse after we had put the groceries away.....a nice evening, the sun finally putting in an apperance! The sun was behind our bonarensis, as you can see here, perfect for Flower Friday.

Dinner tonight was chicken breast coated in coconut, lime and chilli, with jersey royals and a big mixed salad.....delish!

Watched Goggle Box, First Dates and the last episode of Manifest this evening, whilst sipping my grapefruit G&T :-)

Happy weekend everyone, stay safe

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