We bought...

...a16kg bag of gluten free flour at the end of April...after several weeks of searching for gluten free flour in pandemic shelves...and it has served us well. We are grateful.

After several weeks of searching I did make this purchase in haste...then thought about how 16kg of flour would be delivered and how we would store that!

Best bit of buying this bag of flour was sourcing and...perfecting...hell yes...perfecting a gluten free pizza dough. It’s used a lot of flour...

Friday night pizza night is now Pizza by Rooster night and I will not go back to a Sainsbury’s Gluten Free pizza as long as he is willing to whip up this dough of a Friday evening.

He’s also a fab hand at a Victoria sponge and a chocolate brownie...still trying to persuade him to try a wee scone...maybe this week will be the week.

Grateful to Sarah for pointing us to this bag of flour, grateful that this bag of flour as encouraged us to try different recipes, grateful that we have managed to use quite a daunting bag of flour and it hasn’t been wasted.

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