Day 117 Bunnies Afternoon Tea

After washing the bedding and doing my online order - I went looking for KG - in the shed - no in the man cave - no anywhere in the house - no  - quite concerned at this point - - had an alien taken him ????  No found at the top of the garden behind some shrubs and doing some trimming.
While all this was going on the Bunnies were discussing the merits of Afternoon Tea.  But it is only ten o clock said one.  You need to have afternoon tea in the afternoon about 4 o clock.  Well it doesn't really matter said Bossy Boots - It is still afternoon tea whatever time you have it.  The adjudicator looked pensive and said well You are right but I think it should be in afternoon.  Bossy Boots replied  Well you can do what you want I am going to have my afternoon tea now.  Anybody else joining me?  They all said no  not until the afternoon.  I have an idea said the pacifist - why don't we have a picnic instead and that it doesn't matter what it is called.  Oh yes chorussed  the  rest of the bunnies that is a good idea.  Bossy Boots reluctantly agreed  and muttered to himself I shall still call it an afternoon tea picnic in the morning.  The rest of the bunnies chuckled as they packed their picnic basket and headed for the outdoors
I know that we are only doing silly Saturday once a month but I love doing silly Saturday so for all the fans of Silly Saturday and the Bunnies this is my silliness for Saturday 
Another sunny day with a few clouds.

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