Family day

#2 daughter and family stayed the night in the camper van after we’d had a delicious Thai takeaway. It was cold out, even with the fire pit. The boys did not sleep till midnight. This resulted in the usual consequence of small children waking up at normal time after a late night.

However they rallied up when Ella and Nathaniel arrived this morning and they climbed trees and had a picnic up in the woods, just the four of them.

Normally at this time of year Dennis comes to visit and does our annual family photoshoot, but this year he is self-isolating before his cancer op on Thursday. Mr C rigged up the camera on a step ladder and put it on timer and top left was the result.

Ella suggested a few years ago we should have a cake on her Auntie Victoria’s (#1 daughter) birthday to remember her. She would have been 49 this week. The children have one candle each on the cake.

It was also decided I could get a much-needed cuddle from each of the children. Ella and I sneaked more than one. She told me not to tell Mummy but she and her friend Kate had had a hug when they were at the allotments.

after Thomas and James went home Ella, Nathaniel and I took their Dad up to the blaeberries. Ella ate 77 - but they are only little she said. Nathaniel came back by a steeper slope to have an adventure he said, where he saw a snake. He described an adder.

They have gone home now and we are ready to put our feet up with a G&T. I’ve got the heating on - after 4 evenings of sitting outside socially distancing in 12 degrees I’m indulging myself by getting warm. Some TV might be watched.

Wor JackIe died aged 85, at home in Northumberland. Football legend and a good guy, Jack Charkton.

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