A Merry shadow

Dear little Merry is cooperating with her daily capsules so far. No side effects that we can see except maybe looking a bit more tired after the first dose, but who can tell with a cat. They sleep at least 16 hours a day anyway. She's eating the prescription cat food from the vet as long as I sprinkle her beloved freeze dried rabbit  on top. I microwave that to zap any remaining pathogens from the freezing process. She's not holding any grudges as yet over the pilling and is very lovable, even maybe a bit more than before the dreadful collar. She is a gorgeous little thing and I hope we can help her avoid being so itchy.

For the Record,
This day came in hot and humid. Tropical storm Fay was a dud for us, we could have used a bit more rain, but I'm glad the threat is over. The Orange One used it as an excuse to cancel his NH rally. Thankfully more people will stay healthy due to that decision.

All hands wary

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