Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Day Long Composite

The day started with a request from the Bali-based world traveller for a "snow shot" to share with all those suffering through 40C (not including humidity) that have never had the opportunity to see snow. The only 40 we're going to see in Nova Scotia is supposedly a dumping of 40 cm by a Nor'Easter this weekend...

As I wandered the backyard I noticed a magnificent crescent moon in the early morning, pre-dawn sky. Snap!! Beautiful, but a little boring...

I've also been anxiously awaiting the arrival of an 8mm fish-eye lens. My goal was to get some funky pics of the pets that rule the roost. The lens came, but no one was home (did I mention Bali???). Now I get to pick it up in the morning.

I then remembered being struck by an image posted by one of my subscriptions (bighill). On the window sill is a statue (I think it might be Shiva) lit by light shining through the window. Several moons ago I bought a glass Buddha from an antique store in Charlottetown, PEI. The goal was to put it in the garden and the sun would shine through the glass and all that would come would sit and stare in awe at my sun-lit-glass-buddha. Never happened. The buddha has a healthy layer of schmutz (patina/character to antique collectors/dealers) that will not come off (I even tried a couple of trips through the dishwasher). It now sits on the kitchen window sill. Bali-based also has a wooden buddha-esque statue that also made it to the window sill.

So I figured I could light glass Buddha from behind, and bounce flash wooden buddha. It worked so well (IMO) that I thought I'd include the crescent moon as the light source. A strange composite, but it took an entire day to produce...

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