Wanaka Dawn

Oh my goodness it was a surprise start to the day today as The Boss and Bossess got out of bed, showered and loaded me into Suzz WITHOUT breakfast (theirs or mine)
And Blip Bear, his Kiwi mate, AND Tiny Tussock jumped in too and off we went to The Towns premium view spot. The Boss was surprised to find someone there before us but a quick ask got the access we needed and things went from there.
Thanks to the young lady who gave up her seat for the gang shot. The Boss gave her a card so I hope she drops in for a look. Woof!

I have to say that this was all very confusing but the view was stunning and I know that my friends enjoyed it too and it was good that B Bear had a scarf as it was a bit chilly (7 c) on The Boss's bare legs. Blip Bear was hungry and keep dropping hints about NZ honey ( well a bear would..wouldn't he) so we returned home and there was breakfast all round. B Bear found he really liked maple syrup too but all the excitement caught up with him and he was last seen smuggled up in his tent... snoring.

6.00 am starts without breakfast take their toll.

Bigger if you can Bear it

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